Some pictures can be offensive. Please be warned that the pictures in this posting can be quite disturbing to those not used to these situations. Skip or delete if you cannot stomach this.

The banks of the Ganges River , and women laying out cow dung to dry.

The famous ancient city of Varanasi . The Ganges is for both morning baths and cremations.

At the river side lighting the fire for cremation.

Floating corpses, a common sight on the Ganges !

Here come the remains of a sacred cow!

The famous morning bathing by the Ganges , washing as if the rotting corpse floating by was nothing!

Bathing in the corpse-filled Ganges !

A corpse in the midst of the morning bathing at the Ganges , what do you think?

Corpses…as if they were nothing…sigh!

A rotting body on the banks of the Ganges River .

A body floating by a wharf. Gasp!

A floating rotten corpse.

The floating corpse of a sacred cow!

The body of a cow or a sheep?

Ganges River scenery.

Everywhere the floating corpses of sacred cows!

Natural clothes washing area + sun drying clothes area + cow and sheep bathing pool + excrement flowing and mixing together.

Ganges River morning bathing, how can this water be used for brushing teeth?

Bodies abandoned at the Ganges River .

A dead elderly man by the Ganges River .

A body being dragged by a boat.

Note the lower right corner. What is it? Revealed in the next photo.

Here comes the close-up!!!! Note the flies!!!!

Washing after discarding a corpse.

An old man also comes to bathe.

Girls also come to bathe.

Those on the shore bathe, while in the water floats a stinking bloated corpse.

A skeleton on the shore of the Ganges River .

A corpse floating in the Ganges River .

Let’s put the corpses-in-the-Ganges-River aside for a moment, and talk about Indians using the toilet. Have a look at the three pictures below…
These three toilet photographs represent three levels of toilets in India . Note what is common to all of them, which is that none of them have any toilet paper, but all of them have a bucket of water at arms length… yes, you’ve guessed correctly, Indians don’t use toilet paper when using the toilet, they use their hands. After defecating, you use your left hand finger to wipe the feces around your anus, and then use the water in the bucket to wash your hand. The custom is to use your left hand to wipe your butt, so when you go into a store to select food, you mustn’t use your left hand.
JY people believe, this is actually is a good habit. The first benefit is that cases of hemorrhoids are significantly lower; the second is that it can greatly save paper, good for protecting the earth’s resources and the development of green initiatives. So just by doing this, it saves a great amount of wood.

I’m not sure if I should bring out this photo…a sick elderly person, lonely standing by the Ganges River . I don’t know if he is appreciating the true meaning of life or bemoaning the helplessness of human existence…that helpless expression…that remarkable face carved by the years…is unforgettable…
Don’t look if you won’t like it…you are responsible for yourself…

Sunset, rotting corpse, rowing and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Sunset, rotting corpse, a butt facing the sky.

A rotting corpse in the Ganges at dusk.

A rotting corpse that looks like a frog.

A person more frightening than the rotting corpses and old leper! Seems to be someone who carries dead bodies professionally.

The Ganges River filled with rotting floating corpses, and people rowing boats as if nothing were the matter.

Not only do [they] wash and bathe in the Ganges River where rotting corpses float about, [they] also drink from it. My god, I can’t take it anymore!

Rotting corpse on the shore.

Wild dogs freely tearing their food off a rotting corpse.

Wild dogs tearing their food off the rotting corpse of a sacred cow.

A crow standing on a floating rotting corpse.

Corpses on the Ganges River , giving off an offensive rotting stench.

Dog. Crows. Fighting for a child’s head as food. Dog victorious.

Dog gnawing on human head.

Steps on the river shore with floating corpses. Can you tell how many rotting corpses are in the water?

An old fish catcher on the shore of the Ganges River .

The tour guide said that this kind of fish in the Ganges is called “Gulang” fish, a very nice sounding name…and it is said the flavor is very good, but upon thinking of the corpses soaking in the water, the soap from the bathing, the garbage by the river…I don’t have the courage to try it, not sure if this kind of fish will have a human flesh flavor…

This needs no introduction as many are able to eat it domestically …but a reminder, never eat an authentic one…because the chef uses his left hand to wipe his shit when using the toilet/restroom.

Here, let’s see India ‘s free medical care.

A public hospital’s surgery room.

Ganges River in the early morning, bustling because of the crowds…some to wipe themselves down, some to get water, some to bathe.

Suddenly encountering some familiar faces, [I] was surprised…deeply admiring the guy who entered the water to his waist…

Flagrantly floating downstream not 500 meters at another set of steps [into the river] was a corpse. Even foreigners had taken out their cameras to snap photos. I wonder how that swimming guy just mentioned above felt…

Two photographs after going ashore…
An elderly person doing morning exercises, technical difficulty rating 3.0, far higher than the Tai-chi exercises of old men and women in China ‘s parks.

Accepting a holy water baptism…valiantly emerging from the water…his motions too carefree…

Not enough money to buy [enough] firewood, those two feed will not be able to burn away, so it looks like they can only be discarded into the Ganges River…the people baptizing [in the Ganges], will they be so daring as to find a foot…?

Now let’s return to this post’s main topic…the rotting corpses in the Ganges River .

What are the dogs eating? Notice what is in the water on the left side of the image!

Swimming and bathing even with so many rotting corpses around.

There are a small number of middle-aged men and women squatting on the steps brushing their teeth, none of them using toothbrushes, half of them using their fingers, the other half using twigs, swallowing the water after brushing, and then cupping and drinking down a few more gulps, which happens to be in the opposite direction of people in other countries brushing their teeth and then spitting the water out.
